In the Silence
When the birds hush, the wind wanes, the crickets quiet, there is silence.
What happens next?
Temptation to let the mind wander, race, rush, ruminate? No. She is stronger now.
In the silence, she is still. Listening for the divine, letting her beautiful mind be still and know.
Comfort floods her being. Stress and worry and weight peel off and melt into the abyss. Light as a feather now.
God’s love is an immense wave, toppling over her head, scooping her out into sea, embracing tighter than a home-coming-hug. “Be here now.” And then the release, gently laying her down on dry ground. Renewed, reinforced, reassured. “Trust me.”
And, bit by bit, she does. Where logic departs, faith arrives. Day by day, and only one at a time. “All will be well my darling, you will see.”
WIthout the silence, the heart opening, surrendering …none of this can come to pass. She cannot will it into existence, and without the silence, He won’t let her see.
The hardest lesson to learn and then blindly, fully, unwaveringly obey.
Only then does love begin.